Thursday, February 26, 2009

Totally OOC

Account freezes tomorrow while I concentrate on schoolwork for a month. I may post the occasional thing to keep the blog active.

Kharbrydis finds herself heading back to Deathknell to visit her mother. The grave gets so disheveled if it's not looked after.

The Cogsprings continue their gnomish lives.

Kharalee is learning the subtleties of flying faster.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hmm, not bad if I do say so myself. Hair could use some work, maybe a dye job. Clothes? Nah. I let em take care of themselves and muddle along just fine.
Speaking of mud, no that's not mud up to my kneecaps, my boots just happen to be that color.

Rude Awakening my bony ass.

Seems I'm forsaken in more then one way now...

Life may not have been a trip before the plague and the Scourge, but at least my joints were covered up properly and I was breathing, and my heart beat, and...

Enough with the angsty shit, let's see what we got to work with now.